Streetscape: Rogers Park as Mayberry, Part Two

The other day, one of Alderman Joe Moore's attack dogs posted a photo of some Streets and Sanitation work being done at N. Ashland and W. Morse. The attack dog, who is the former campaign chair of Moore's poodle Jim Ginderske, is the guy who posted the photo. The accompanying headline: "Streetscape Begins?"

Whah? The text of the attack dog's blog post was brief. "Morse & Ashland is getting a big revision. Is this the beginning of the streetscape construction? Time will tell."

This is fascinating, and provides a glimpse into the weird, not-ready-for-prime-time Mayberry RFD parallel universe within the two-square miles of Chicago's 49th Ward.

Ginderske is - theoretically - well connected these days to Ald. Moore. The attack dog is well connected to poodle Ginderske. At least, theoretically. Why then, does the attack dog not know whether or not the work being done at Ashland and Morse is connected to the long-anticipated, severely past due Streetscape for Morse Avenue?

I don't have the answer. But the point is that the attack dog doesn't, either. What's more, the alderman is strangely mum on the point. Many of us in the neighborhood are wondering the same thing. There are rumors on the street - from supposedly well connected individuals - that Streetscape will indeed commence in late August, after the Glenwood Arts Fest. If that is true, why hasn't Joe Moore been trumpeting that. After all, Moore is the kind of guy who loves ribbon cuttings - for things that don't yet deserve a ribbon cutting. The "new" Howard CTA station is a good example. Weeks ago, Moore conducted a ribbon cutting for the station, the renovation of which is still nowhere complete and will not be finished until sometime next year. Why, then, have we not yet seen a firm announcement about a Morse Avenue Streetscape? Why no ribbon cutting?