Pushing Them Down

A thoughtful response to my recent post, "Where Are the Black Men?" Levois writes the following, which I love because my posting was inspired by his posting, "Report: black males in CPS half as likely to graduate as whites" on July 26. Thanks, Levois.

I could take so many angles with this issue. I could have said this was about welfare or I could say this was about irresponsible people having a baby. Another comment could be these men don't stick around because these women have their own issues and they guys are like forget this. One of my issues of concern that are somewhat connected to this is to talk about young men going to college. If young white men are graduating from high school they're not going to college. Especially if they're comparable to young black men who might be between poor or middle class. Not that I have some direct numbers on this, but I have seen stories on this over time. Also in my post I mention that women can push each other. I saw a story on TV one time about women in boot camp and while the guys are more competitive women are more encouraging. There is a big difference in psyche. I can't say I've put my hand on it exactly. Then again why are the guys cancelling themselves out? It might be because no one is pushing them. We make an effort to encourage young women to pursue an education and then secure a profession, but expect the guys to continue on like business as usual. Just that now men are competing with women. No one would think this should be a problem for the guys, should we? Another angle I can come up with is how there are those out there who are trying to remake society to their own ideals. That is feminists wanting to remake society where women are more dominant. I know that's a far fetched idea, so I offer you this post on how Title 9 is causing colleges to cut back on men's sports programs. Resultantly male enrollment in colleges have gone down. The only thing I'm trying to say is that something is wrong. Young black men might have it worse only because they have it worse. That is for some reason there is an expectation that they might be arrested at some point. This could be because someone is looking for them to engage in criminal activity unjustifiably or they are involved in that because no one guided them in the right direction. When you think about it, this is certainly something worth a good academic study.