Open Letter to Jesse Jackson: Taii Austin

Taii K. Austin writes the best response I've seen yet to the hateful JESSE JACKSON comments of last Sunday. Jackson said he would like to seriously injure Barack Obama by mutilating his male genitalia. Seriously. Jackson's own hateful words: "See, Barack's been talking down to black people on this faith-based—I want to cut his nuts out." Jackson is part of the greater Religious Left. (And some of you thought the Religious Right is hateful? They pale in comparison to Jackson, Sharpton & Pfleger.) But let's get back to Ms. Austin, who brilliantly wrote this open letter to Jesse Jackson: If you flat out hate the dude and think his policies are going to run this nation further into the ground, tell us why. But until and unless Sen. Obama joins the clergy, cheats on his wife, and fathers a secret child with his mistress, you are way out of line to suggest that his talks on the urgent need for black people to repair the black family are anything less than absolutely necessary. FULL ARTICLE at Huffington Post...