Barack Obama is a hack like any other. Part of the DNC crowd, supported by career hacks such as Cong. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Alderman Joe Moore (49th, Chicago), Mayor Richard Daley and Governor Rod Blagojevich. Obama is a man heavily indebted to Chicago's Democrat Machine and the downstate Illinois Combine. (Let's not even get into how indebted he is to convict Tony Rezko.)

Lately, a lot of Democrats see him as a traitor to their cause, as a liar, as someone not to be taken at his word.

He proposes "change," but challenge anybody to ask what - exactly - that means. He claims to be different, not a Washington insider, but by definition any U.S. Senator is an insider. His campaign staff is packed full insiders.

Obama doesn't like it when he is asked about his legislative accomplishment - as an Illinois State Senator and as a U.S. Senator - and lack thereof. He has none. But by Golly, he's got charisma!

He is a man who loudly states that he could never abandon ("disown") an old friend, then weeks later abandoned Rev. Jeremiah Wright by disowning him.

Obama is on the run, and the sweet irony is that he is running from his own Democrat Party. Like many politicians (in both parties), Obama acts the chameleon. Part of the anti-gun crowd, he recently applauded the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that favors private ownership of handguns. Although he is part of the anti-death penalty crowd, he recently made noises that would lead us to believe that he would not oppose the death penalty in certain cases.

There is much more. "Over the past several weeks," writes Charles Hurt at the New York Post, "Obama has shifted from his liberal positions on gun rights, capital punishment and terrorist surveillance. And he walked away from his pledge to work within the confines of public campaign financing." [Source]

Hurt cites bloggers, among them blogger "Danner," who are lobbing heavy criticism at Obama for his twists and turns.

On June 30, Danner wrote, "Obama’s not just “moving to the center” for the general, he’s practically denouncing and rejecting every progressive voice in the country." [Source]

Danner asks, "Will anyone at all still 'Know Hope' by the end of this campaign?"

We should all be asking, "Does anybody really know who Barack Obama is? Has anybody - including Obama -ever known?"