Obama Whines, Pouts, Lies

Marxist-Democrat Barack Obama recently lied while whining about rival John McCain.

Obama's latest whine will probably lull a lot of people to sleep. Meanwhile, McCain's anti-Barack barrage seems to be catching fire and having a very real effect, reports CBS News:

And the snickers about Obama’s perceived smugness may have a very real political impact as McCain launched its most forceful effort yet to define him negatively. It released a TV ad Wednesday describing Obama as the “biggest celebrity in the world,” comparable to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, stars who are famous for attitude rather than accomplishments. (Watch the ad)

The over-produced, over-hyped Obamapalooza World Tour did not help him one bit in the polls. In fact, it only provided more fodder for Team McCain. As the LA Times wrote, there was "No bounce. Not even a roll." Zzzzzzzz. Do you have your Obama pajamas on yet?

Okay, the whiny lie thing. As he was getting on a bus, Obama told a handful of reporters that "I don't pay attention to John McCain's ads, although I do seem to notice that he doesn't have anything very positive to say about himself. He seems to only be talkin' about me. You should ask John McCain what he's for not just what he's against." CBS has this on video.

It's whiny. "Oh, look, that meanie McCain is attacking me!" he seems to be crying out. His expression is worried. Gosh, the nerve of McCain to point out the negatives and very real shortcomings of Lord Barack. Like Obama's camp hasn't pointed out what they see as negatives about McCain? Give us a break. Obama climbed into the big, fuel-guzzling, non-green bus immediately, taking no questions, slinking into the dark recesses where he could pout in private.

It's a multiple lie. Do you really believe that Barack Obama is so arrogant that he actually pays no attention to John McCain's ads? Okay, let's assume that's that case. The statement is still a lie because even the arrogant Obama must know that, in fact, McCain has spoken extensively about himself - in a positive way - and that he does not talk exclusively about Obama. (See the video below.) Perhaps, in his arrogance, Obama likes to believe that he is the only thing people talk about, but that is not the case.

As a man concerned for the future of his nation, and as a candidate for president, McCain has an obligation to not only speak positively about himself and his policies and vision. He also has a duty to point out the dangers ahead. One of those dangers - a multi-headed danger - is Barack Obama and his Marxist, statist ideology. For McCain to ignore the threat that Obama poses to our economic future and the future of our personal freedoms would be simple negligence.

For the skeptics who don't believe Obama is a threat: Look at the Democrat Regime of Chicago. This city is now known as the least free, the most controlling city in the U.S. The Democrats have destroyed a viable health care system in Cook County. Democrat Mayor Daley calls for more police cameras, automatic weapons for the police, while his stooges on the City Council call for fines for people talking on cell phones while walking.

Cook County and Chicago Democrats are equally guilty of giving us the highest sales tax in the nation, and yet both entities complain that they aren't getting enough tax revenue. That's just a sampling of how Democrats have screwed up the metropolitan Chicago area's economy. Now consider that Obama is a Chicago Democrat who was nurtured and groomed by the same Chicago Democrat Machine that props up Mayor Daley and Cook County President Todd Stroger.

You like what's happening in Chicago and Cook County? Then you'll love the way an Obama Administration will do that - and exponentially more - to the entire nation. This does not even take into account his complete lack of foreign policy experience (sorry, a quick speech and a couple of handshakes overseas do not make one a foreign policy expert). It also does not take into account Obama's questionable loyalty to the nation he wants to lead.

A new CNN/Opinion Research poll out Wednesday shows that despite nine solid days of blanket media coverage from overseas with Barack Obama cheered by adoring throngs of Germans and parlez-vousing with the French, making a three-point shot in the Middle East and standing outside No. 10 Downing Street, the freshman Illinois senator is stuck right where he was in the polls before he left.

No bounce. Not even a roll. He still leads Republican Sen. John McCain 51-44. But it's the same 51-44 as last time. A CNN poll average shows an even slimmer 48-45 Obama lead, dangerously close for an experienced opponent who relishes being the underdog.
FULL STORY at LA Times...