Obama Pissing Off European Leaders

European leaders are not pleased with Barack Obama. Many feel snubbed by Obama, a rank amateur in foreign relations and diplomacy whose campaign team is composed of rank amateurs in foreign relations and diplomacy. To wit, this report yesterday: Obama's team has left no doubts about the fact that it considers German Chancellor Angela Merkel to be the strongest leader in Europe at present. Their reasoning: Sarkozy hasn't been in office long enough yet and Brown has been swept up in a domestic crisis. US Congressman Robert Wexler, a Democrat, recently spoke on behalf of Obama on Germany's N-TV cable news channel, emphasizing that German-American relations were the "most established." Even if it was true that German-American relations were the "most established," (it is not, actually), to say so publicly is a lousy public relations move on the part of Team Obama. If Obama becomes our next president, he will move into the White House with a load of bad foreign relations already waiting to be taken care of on his desk in the Oval Office. But not even the Germans are totally satisfied. They are calling for further one-on-one meetings with Obama -- conversations that, according to information obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE are not very likely to happen. If he keeps to his itinerary, Obama will meet German politicians before he gives his speech on Thursday evening. FULL ARTICLE at Der Spiegel... RELATED: Fawning, groveling, Euro-lickspittle Press for Obama One Reporter Greets McCain Plane in NH Dick Morris: Obama Is A European Socialist Who Will Cause A Third War In Iraq Obama's Europe Trip: Conflict over Berlin Visit... Obama's Europe Blindspot: Why Did He Skip Europe's Institutional Heart?