The New Hitler Youth

This is why some of call them "Islamo-fascists." In 1979, Samir Kantar was 16 years old when he pulled Danny Haran and his young daughter from their apartment in the Israeli town of Nahariya. He shot to death the father and smashed the little girl's skull against a rock with an AK-47. After 29 years in prison, he was welcomed back to Lebanon as a hero last week....Kantar was embraced and applauded; afterwards he gave a stiff-armed Nazi salute. It is the common salute of Hezb'allah. Mein Kampf is a best seller in the Muslim world. FULL ARTICLE at American Thinker... Then there is this, by Arie Stav at the Nizkor Project: Nostalgic admiration of Nazis has remained strong in Syria. Sami al-Joundi, afounder of the Syrian Ba'ath movement, writes: "We were racists. We admiredthe Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books that were thesource of the Nazi spirit...We were the first who thought of a translation ofMein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arabinclination toward Nazism." The Arab countries were not unique in serving as refuge for fleeing warcriminals, but only in the Middle East, and particularly in Egypt, could theNazis find shelter bestowed on the basis of ideological identification. FULL PAPER...