Howdy Neighbor,
I am writing to invite you to grab a case of beer and some grub and join my new wife, my kids by a previous marriage and me for my annual MOVIE IN THE DARK this Sunday, August 3rd, at dusk (approximately 8:15 p.m.) at Touhy Park, 7300 block of Paulina (across from the new Clark Street Fire Station, near all the prostitutes and drug traffic that happens around that time of night). Joining me as a sponsor for this year's Movie in the Park is Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin and the Touhy Park Advisory Council. That's right, we're sponsors, which means Larry and I are paying for the movie out of our own pockets!
This year's movie is THE WATER BOY: LEGEND OF JIM GINDERSKE, an adaptation of the scary novel The Water Boy. It stars a young man who enters into a mysterious pact with the Devil and goes to work for a corrupt local politician as his"water boy" (loosely based on a sports team's water boy). The corrupt politician goes on to Washington to become the Director of the Federal Prison System, into which he later becomes an inmate known as the fabled Rogers Park Monster. Water Boy Jim visits his former mentor in prison, and all hell breaks loose. Hilarious!
For the movie trailer, CLICK HERE.
After the movie, I plan to booze it up at a nearby tavern. Adults only, of course! Take the kids home and join the missus and me for LIQUOR AFTER DARK!
I look forward to enjoying this delightful fantasy evening with you.
See you Sunday!
Joe Moore
Visit the website of the 49th Ward