Hamas and Fatah Committed Human Rights Violations

Can this be true? Say it ain't so! I am shocked, shocked I tell you! Human Rights Watch says Hamas and Fatah are mean people! Palestinian security forces loyal to Hamas and Fatah have both carried out serious human rights abuses over the past year, including arbitrary arrests and torture, according to a report on the bitter power struggle between the groups. Hard to believe, isn't it? Surely there is some mistake. Hamas and Fatah are peace loving, kind-hearted groups that just want to get along, aren't they? Human Rights Watch, in the report released on Wednesday, cited a pattern of politically motivated arrests, mock executions and severe beatings in detention centers run by Hamas Islamists in the Gaza Strip and President Mahmoud Abbas’s secular Fatah faction in the West Bank. FULL ARTICLE at Haaretz.com... Perhaps we've misjudged the Islamofascists. Maybe they're really not as nice as the Democrats want us to believe after all. O bitter disillusionment! Hat tip: LGF Related: Barak: U.S. to provide Israel with defense systems against Iran strike