Fine Young Gentlemen on Morse Avenue

I saw six nice young men walking down beautiful Morse Avenue in Rogers Park, 49th Ward of Chicago this afternoon. These young gentlemen, ages 15 to 17, were dressed so nicely in their ass-exposing baggy jeans, topped with nice white tee shirts, and they seemed to be very considerate of others.

They were so considerate, in fact, that one of them gently set his Bacardi rum bottle down - right in the middle of the driveway of the Fambly Dolla store. How nice of them to put their litter where it could be found easily! Another of the fine young honor students gently dropped his plastic juice bottle nearby.

I bowed my head and silently celebrated our "sustainable diversity."

Lots of less civilized honor students might have thrown the rum bottle at a passing car. Not these buckaroos, no sir. They were obviously raised right! It's young gentlemen such as those fine youngsters that make us all so proud of the 49th Ward!