
DevCorp's Huge Gas Guzzler

"DevCorp North members work to protect the environment," says the headline on page one of the Summer 2008 DevCorp Journal.

"At DevCorp North, we try to be as green as possible considering the circumstances."

Uh huh. How's the mileage on DevCorp North's shiny new Ford F250 pickup truck? (Hint: The mileage is probably UNDER 15 mpg, which is horrible by any standard. This is no "green machine.")

Kind of hypocritical for DevCorp to tell you and me that we should be green, and that they themselves "work to protect by environment." Will Alderman Moore tell them to trade the fuel guzzler in for a solar powered vehicle? Hmmm? For more information about the Ford F250, check out the pissed-off customer remarks here...