
Democrats and Testicles

What is it with Democrats and testicles? Are they nuts? Let's review:

Last Sunday, the Reviled Jesse Jackson (a Democrat) said he would like to remove Barack Obama's testicles. He said it more crudely, of course, when he thought no microphones were on nearby. What he actually said was, "See, Barack's been talking down to black people on this faith-based—I want to cut his nuts out."

Jackson, a man of the cloth embarrassed by expressing his desire to violently mutilate another human being, quickly apologized and reassured everybody that he was fully supportive of Barack Obama's candidacy. This, of course, was more reassuring to Republicans and conservatives, for an endorsement by Jackson is hardly worth as much as Jackson himself thinks. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you are one.

Jackson's choice of words is interesting. Assuming that Obama's testicles dropped when he was quite young, as they should have, Jackson would want to cut them off, not "out." Perhaps Jackson knows something about Obama - an adult man who can't bowl a 40 game - that the rest of us are not yet privy to.

Jackson's apology rings hollow, of course. You don't say something like that unless you mean it, and Jackson said it. (By the way, has he ever issued an apology for his "heimi town" remark?)

Illinois Governor Rod "Testes" Blagojevich (a Democrat) bragged about his testicles. "This is the kind of thing that I think separates the men from the boys in leadership. Do you have the testicular virility to make a decision like that, knowing what's coming your way?" Blagojevich said. "I say I do." [Source]

Cook County Commissioner William Beavers (a Democrat) yelled at a reporter that "I'm the hog with the big nuts and I'm gonna tell you what it is." [Source]

Hillary Clinton (a Democrat) apparently thinks that women can have "testicular fortitude." Dig this, from The Swamp: "At a union-hall event in Portage, Paul Gibson, the president of the United Steelworkers Local 6787, was selected to introduce Clinton. In Gibson's words, Clinton was the kind of leader with the 'testicular fortitude' to make hard decisions." [Source]

It should be noted here that Mr. Gibson is a Democrat. Okay, that's weird, a guy saying a woman has testicular fortitude. Weirder still, Mrs. Clinton told the crowd that "Women can have it, as well as men." They can have the equivalent of "testicular fortitude" but not actual "testicular fortitude."

To believe otherwise is just nuts.

Jesse Jackson continues to talk of apology - ABC-7, with video
Aww, Grandpa Jackson's Off His Meds - Huffington Post, NY
Mixed Nuts: E&P Tracks Media Coverage of Jackson Crude Remark
Liberal Hypocrisy: Jackson's Nuttiness Funny If About Cheney
The Political Power of Testes, Updated X1 And Moved To The Top
Woman jailed for testicle attack - Castration often fails to halt offenders
Malaysia minister backs castration for repeat offender rapists