While Chicago's Dictator Richard Daley is busy today blaming the increased violence in the city on the media, the Illinois Goobernor Rod Blagojevich is busy working on a militaristic approach to the problem.
(AP) — Gov. Rod Blagojevich is raising the possibility of bringing in Illinois State Police troopers or even the National Guard to help Chicago fight a recent increase in violence. Blagojevich said he'd meet Wednesday with state police, National Guard and other officials to discuss the options. FULL ARTICLE at CHICAGOBUSINESS.COM...
Neither man, Democrats both,
ignore one of the prime causes of the city's increasing violence: More than forty years of the fallout of the so-called "Great Society." That gigantic series of perpetual social engineering projects has given us the socially and morally deformed children and grandchildren of a Liberal policies of welfare, wrist-slapping criminal courts, and "empowerment" of all the wrong types of activities. So now we have a mayor blaming the media for the increase in fatherless children, rampant drug use, gang membership, violent behavior and so on. Ironically, the media does share a bit of the blame, but Daley's cop out (no pun intended) just doesn't fly with most of us. As for Blagojevich, will his next step be to declare martial law for Chicago?