Attn Jody Weis: Read Comment #6

Disturbing police behavior in the wake of a gang shootout in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood this afternoon. Uptown Update posts that it was the wild west around 3:30 today, but police did not make arrests. What? No arrests, that's right folks, EVEN AFTER A WITNESS POINTED OUT SOME OF THE SHOOTERS. ARE YOU READING THIS SUPT. WEIS??? Comment #6 at Uptown Update says, in part: About 9 shots, gang bangers were ducking and covering around sunnyside. I went out and pointed the guys I saw out to the cops. Officer said.."No arrests are being made because no one was hurt and no property damaged." READ IT ALL at UPTOWN UPDATE... So, is it suddenly police policy to not arrest shooters unless there are injuries or property damage? This fits right in with the CPD refusal to arrest a top aide to Ald. Joe Moore (49th) even though the cops filled out a battery complaint against her recently!