American Masochism

"No one working with even a minimal amount of intelligence can really believe that allowing perhaps 20 million, largely illiterate, illegal immigrants to remain in this nation is a good thing: In fact, it is so bad that it seriously threatens our political stability, endangers national security and undermines our already wobbly economy." So writes John Nash today in the Tampa Tribune. It's a brief but hard hitting column. "Although it's difficult to imagine, illegal immigrants, with the considerable help of ambitious, careless and dangerous politicians, have managed to become a powerful political force, even though they are unable to vote legally. An influential political action committee, representing what are variously, and curiously, referred to as "Latinos" or "Hispanics," has been able to thwart action to raise immigration quotas for legal arrivals, by demanding sweeping, and concurrent, benefits for the hordes of illegals swarming across our insecure southern border with Mexico." READ THE FULL COLUMN...