Global Warming and Mass Suicide

Jerry Agar, talk show host extraordinaire on WLS 890 AM in Chicago, has a good post on his blog that was written by Tim Slagle, a regularly guest on Agar's show. Jerry tells me that Slagle is a contributing writer to his blog. Slagle quotes a news story that tells of "a patient was [who] admitted to the Royal Children’s Hospital of Melbourne with the first case ever documented of climate change delusion." That's right: Climate change delusion. Now, many of us already suspected that the world wide mass hysteria about climate change was a form of mental illness. Now, however, we have clinical proof. Slagle continues: I might suggest that this isn’t the first case documented, probably just the first case treated. Since, according to the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, “The patient ... quoted internet research to substantiate this. The patient described that “I feel guilty about it,” [and] was unable to acknowledge that the belief was unreasonable when challenged.” Well that sounds like every single environmentalist I’ve ever met. Perhaps Slagle exaggerates a wee bit. I mean, I'm an "environmentalist" inasmuch as I favor clean air, clean water, and so on. Unlike the variety of "environmentalist" that Slagle refers to however, I do not put snail darters or any other life form above the welfare of my fellow humans. To do so makes you a cultist, as Slagle explains: Global warming is a dangerous cult because it is a doomsday cult. Most of these cults meet their fate in horrendous fashion. As it becomes clear that the apocalyptic prophesy is not going as foretold, the leaders usually panic, and lead the believers to mass suicide. READ THE FULL POST by TIM SLAGLE at JERRY AGAR'S BLOG...