Sarkozy: L'Iran est le mal

French president Sarkozy slammed Iran. He vowed to defend Israel and condemned Iran's nuclear program. FULL STORY at IsraCast... Also, The Australian reports that a "senior Irsaeli official" said, "Nobody can explain why Iran is enriching uranium," and that Iran is "developing a delivery system and nobody can deny that." The official is also quoted as saying that "Israel can't take the risk that Iran will be nuclear." FULL REPORT... Meanwhile, the Council on Foreign Affairs ponders Pres. Sarkozy's decision to build a naval base in the United Arab Emirates. They preface the article with this interesting qualification:
  • In normal times, the publication of a "white paper" on French defense and security policy would not draw enormous attention outside the world of military analysis and European relations. But, as President Nicolas Sarkozy noted on June 17, 2008, in announcing sweeping changes in French strategy, these are not normal times.
Read the article, titled "France's New Military Vision."