Rogers Park Gossip!

Who's the guy that made a power play to take away Katy Hogan's dictatorship of the Glenwood Arts Festival? Hint: His name is Jim Ginderske, and there are rumblings of dissatisfaction from participants. (More on this later!) Who were the two people having sex on the Windform Sculpture around 11:30 last night, where Pratt Avenue ends at Loyola Park? (I don't know, but she was a big fat woman in a red mumu, sitting on the dude's lap bouncing up and down. They scooted off minutes after I called out, "Nice night, eh?" They drove away in a dark two-door Kia. Let's hope the seats were vinyl.) Why did Alderman Joe Moore lie about the Howard CTA Station being finished? It's not, in fact a CTA film crew today told The Bench that it won't be finished "until next year." Hmmph, but that didn't stop Joe from inviting people on his web site to "Join CTA President Ron Huberman and me as we cut the ribbon for the new station tomorrow (Saturday, June 14th)." What will Joe do when the "new station" is actually completed in 2009? Another ribbon cutting? And what's "new" about it? It's been there for many, many decades. It's not "new," it's being fixed up. Imagine painting your house, adding new awnings, and declaring that you have a "new" house. Who owns that unmowed empty lot at 1940 W. Morse Avenue? Why, it's Robin Langer, "partner" of DevCorp North Empress Kimberly Bares! Robin told me personally last week that she's asking a cool $350,000 for it. May I suggest that the entire strip of W. Morse Avenue, between Clark and Ridge, be designated for historic preservation? All for now! Keep sending your hot tips to The Bench!