Toni nails a bunch 'o nails right on their little heads with this post, one is what's become a series for her. You don't have to live in the corrupt 49th Ward of Chicago to find this interesting. Teaser: Let's examine the stealth attempt to reconfigue the Community Center into a Boys and Girls Club from another angle. Again, I state that it’s the principle not the club that I question. Could it be that the agencies named in a public meeting by Joe are red herrings or shields to cover or extend revealing the truth a little longer? Are there other groups or individuals that were not mentioned? It’s a possibility. Loyalty has long been considered the integral bond that holds a family or group together. In reality, the individuals of a group may be working toward a common goal, but loyalties often switch. I think I’ll review my first gut instinct when I heard the words “Boys and Girls Club”. One name immediately surfaced and I verbally stated it June 5 at Joe’s office in the parks naming meeting. He seemed to become a little fidgety or did he suddenly realize people aren't all that forgetful and uninformed. Apparently someone has been lobbying for his next acquisition for the resume. FULL FASCINATING POST at North of Howard Watchers... When you're done reading that post, cruise through the related stuff on Toni's site.