Mayor Daley Hates the Bill of Rights

Chicago's tyranical Mayor Daley is crying like a liberal over today's U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the Constitution's Second Amendent actually guarantees the right to bear arms. You can now say that Chicago's handgun ban is unconstitutional. Daley also shows himself (again) to be an idiot. Chicago Business reports that the mayor told a group at Navy Pier this morning that he is uncertain whether the ruling, which did away with Washington D.C.'s handgun ban, would have any affect on Chicago's handgun ban. Daley called the court's ruling "a very frightening decision." [Source] Daley said that if citizens in Chicago are allowed to own handguns taxes would have to be increased to cover the hiring of more police officers. He also fantasized that legalized handgun ownership would put more people in hospitals as victims of theoretical increased gun violence. Daley has shown his disdain for court rulings - indeed, for the law - on many occasions. Two well-known examples are his midnight destruction of Meigs Field airport (now known as "Northerly Island") several years ago, and the currently ongoing attempt to place the Children's Museum in Grant Park. The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled against such placements in Grant Park four times in the past. Daley is hypocritical about the handgun ban in Chicago. He is well protected by large men who carry handguns. You and I cannot keep a handgun in our dresser drawer, Daley preaches, but it's okay for his bodyguards to walk around packing heat. Similarly, it is legal for Chicago's City Council members (aldermen) to pack heat. The hysteria about guns is all about politics, not reality. Here's some reality: The alarming increase gun violence in Chicago this year is committed for the most part with handguns. Every one of those handguns is illegal. Ask yourself whether the ban on handgun ownership has prevented the thugs from obtaining them. Or from using them. As it has been said a million times, if you ban something only the criminals will possess it. Same with handguns. Additionally, Daley's remarks about a need for increased police presence and of higher numbers of hospital gunshot wound admissions is not based in fact. In fact, the opposite would probably be true. Of the 50 United States, only Wisconsin and Illinois do not allow their residents to carry handguns. In the 48 states that allow it, handgun violence has either remained the same or been reduced from level prior to enactment of conceal-carry. Mayor Daley and the people who fight your right to own a handgun need to back off. They won't let up, however. Even if lower courts start dismantling Chicago's unconstitutional antigun laws, Daley and his useful idiots will find every way they can to harass gun stores and gun owners, most likely in the form of prohibitively high fees and taxes. Related Items: Missouri: Governor Blunt to Sign Important Pro-Gun Bill! (NRA) Gun Rules May Be Eased in U.S. Parks (NRA) Has Minnesota's Gun-Carry Law Affected Crime Rates? The Effectiveness of Firearm Conceal Carry Laws on the Incidence and Pattern of Violent Crime (Texas State University-San Marcos, Dept. of Political Science) Guns on Campus: Irrational Fears Hold Back Concealed Carry