Liberal Pet Agrees With Pfleger

D. Yobachi Boswell, for example. He describes himself as "a writer, spoken word poet, hip hop artist, social activist and political watcher." He's been watching the whirlwind of political activity around the racist priest Michael Pfleger lately, and Mr. Boswell gives us his hip hop analysis. Mr. Boswell shows himself to be a well-trained pet of the Liberal Elites. Oh yes, folks, don't kid yourself. The Liberal Elites look down on non-white Americans as pets, to be nurtured and cared for - but kept on a tight leash. The pets are expected to perform little tricks now and then, like voting the right way. Vote the right way, Fido, and we'll keep feeding you and giving you shelter. Mr. Boswell, young and still naive, has apparently received excellent obedience training over the years. He writes on a web site call "Black Perspective." (Imagine your reaction if I called this web site "White Perspective.") With all of his grammar and spelling errors left intact, let's look at some of the tricks the Liberal pet Yobachi Boswell can perform: Some white folks just refuse to have their racial feelings critiqued, and to have exposed any racial animus save the few white folks with white sheets in the back woods of Alabama or in a cabin in the mountains of Idaho; which they would have us believe are the only vestiges of racism or white supremacist feeling of any level left in America. No one’s allowed to forthrightly critique white racial animosity and call it what it is. Boswell must not sleep well at night, worried that the Klan is just outside his door. He has apparently bought into the idea that there are far more white folks wearing white sheets and living in the mountains of Idaho than we think. Sheet wearing white mountain people are not merely vestiges of times past, he implies, but are the norm. Most whites, he seems to think, still have racist feelings of superiority. (By the way, note that Boswell capitalizes "Black" but not "white," a trick he and other pets use.) Boswell continues his dog show performance: White redneck racist who won’t vote for someone, admittedly, just because he’s Black are called “hardworking white folk” blue-collar white working class”, “the salt of the earth”, and any other Euphamism meant to excuses them and say that it’s just that the Black man just isn’t doing a good job of connecting with them. Wait, wait. I can't let the misspelling of "euphemism" pass. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines "euphemism" as "the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant." This indicates that Boswell at least knows what a euphemism is, and not what it ain't. I've read that paragraph several times now. I took a couple of pain killers and think I now understand what Boswell meant to say. He meant to say, I think, that … uh, hang on, I need more pain killer. I'll be back in a moment. Okay, I'm back. The nap helped. Still haven't figured out what Boswell meant by the first part of that paragraph. So, let's move on to the second half: Even out and out racism practiced by white people is blamed on the Black man. It ain’t a blue collar (hello blue collar workers in vast majority white Iowa, Oregan Wiscons, etc.) it’s a redneck that’s the problem, and there’s nothing a Black man can do to connect with that. Pity poor Boswell. He's so obsessed with "rednecks" that he seems incapable of connecting with white folks. Say, perhaps we're getting somewhere! That's it! It's the training he received by his Liberal Elite trainers that causes him to see all white folks as "rednecks," wearing white sheets and going to Klan rallies in the mountains of Idaho. That's the reason there's nothing he can do to connect with crackers in "Oregan Wiscons," wherever and whatever that is. Great, we're making progress. Let's continue! Some people are pretending what Priest Pfleger said about Hilary’s real reason for being upset in New Hampshire is some how off base or the least bit unfounded. Uh oh, my pain killers are wearing off. Boswell goes on to quote himself: First of all, I said the same thing: “Let’s be real about this. The racism of white women liberals like Ferraro, Hillary and Gloria Steinhem is clearly coming to the surface. How dare that negro challenge what we are entitled to? Why won’t he accept being in the number two position? It’s probably what a lot of them are thinking across the country the more Hillary keeps bringing up race and gender. She’s got nothing else to go on.” Hey, conservatives have been saying that many liberal white women are racist for decades and nobody believed us. Until now: Boswell has validated us. But I'm confused as to why Boswell capitalizes "Black" but not "negro?" I digress, I guess, and shall move on to Boswell's stunning lack of critical thinking and inability to recognize reality. You see, Hillary and her supporters have not been insisting that Barack Obama get out of the contest for the Democrat Party's nomination. Rather, ever since Barack won Iowa (by getting many, many votes from white folks), his supporters have been saying that Hillary should get out of the race. Boswell has it completely backwards. As for his saying that "Hillary keeps bringing up race and gender," Boswell seems blissfully unaware of the fact that race and gender are two cards that Democrats - black and White - frequently bring up when they have "nothing else to go on." That might explain why Obama and his supporters so often bring up race and gender, as Boswell has done so awkwardly. There's more, but go read it for yourself. Boswell is not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of Americans, black and White, who feel as Boswell does. Remember, too, that while Father Michael Pfleger has given his shallow "apology" for his mockery of Hillary Clinton and his autoracist attack on White folks, the entire congregation at the church gave him a standing ovation. None of them have issued an apology that I know of. Boswell and the other Liberal pets would not understand the need for it. RELATED: Obama's OTHER Racist Priest What Must Happen Until Pfleger is Justly Dealt With?