Hot Meetings Tonight in Rogers Park

So many meetings, so little time. Two to highlight, both of which you could attend:

At 6:00 p.m. there will be a meeting in the laundry room of angry residents at 1148-1155 West Lunt Avenue, just east of N. Sheridan Road. Residents of the apartment building. The rehab operation is being run by Heartland Human Care Services, the same group that recently opened the Heartland Health Center at 2200 W. Touhy with your tax dollars. Jim Ginderske was a key player in putting that clinic on Touhy; what (if any) is his involvement with the Lunt Avenue operation? Neighbors and residents of the building and the area are upset, angry and worried about their own safety. They wonder how such an operation, which is allegedly being run as a business, can be legal in a residential building. For more information see: GASSMAN RESPONDS TO DRUG REHAB CONCERNS (which contains an informative letter).

At 7:00 p.m., just one block north of the laundry room meeting, is the "Stop the Landfill" meeting. This will be at the Loyola Park Field House at 1230 W Greenleaf Avenue. Friends of the Park (FOTP) wants your support to prevent "an extensive landfill....from Hollywood Avenue to Evanston." For more details see the FOTP's web site.

So, two hot meetings, one at 6:00 p.m. and one at 7:00 p.m., only a block away from each other. Never a dull moment in Rogers Park.