Heartland Liquor License Modified (Why No Public Meeting???)

Item #2 in the June 25 email blast from Sandi Price, DevCorp North's managing director, is a notice that Heartland Cafe will again be serving liquor on its patio. They were fined $3,000 last fall for serving on the patio, which was not included in their license. But what's the deal? If Heartland Cafe is again serving on the patio, it means that they are (a) continuing to violate their liquor license, or (b) their liquor license was modified to include the patio. If it's (b), then we'd like to know why there was no public meeting to consider that liquor license modification! (If you gag a little bit after reading Katy Hogan's hyperbolic text, you're to be forgiven.) From: Sandi Price [mailto:sprice@devcorpnorth.org] Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:16 AM To: sprice@devcorpnorth.org Subject: Rogers Park Happenings The HEARTLAND CAFE, at the corner of Lunt & Glenwood in the heart of Rogers Park, is ONCE AGAIN, as it had for many years, SERVING ALCOHOL along with its consistently "Good Wholesome Food for the Mind & Body", on their gorgeous, flowering Outdoor Patio space; an outdoor cafe without peer for its grace and beauty. Yours in serving the 'hood since 1976, Kathleen & Michael, Heartland Cafe Co- Founders, Owners and Neighbors 7000 N. Glenwood, Chicago 773 465 8005 www.heartlandcafe.com Sandi Price Managing Director DevCorp North (773) 508-5885 www.rogers-park.com (By the way, notice Katy's claim that Heartland Cafe's serves "consistently" good food. Really? The service is consistently slow, the kitchen help is consistently underpaid and not allowed to join a union, and a common complaint about the place is inconsistent quality of the food!)