Poor Soo Liquors just can't win for losing. It's not the liquor, Alderman Moore. It's the scum that crawl along Morse Avenue. Oh, you insist that the booze is the problem? Well tell us this, Alderman Moore: What kind of liquor does Sub Brothers sell across the street? That's right, none. Nada. Zilch.
First, The Bench saw an argument last night (June 10) that spilled out of
Soo Liquors's doorway onto Morse Avenue her in the 49
th Ward. It was not violent, just loud and threatening.
Meanwhile, one of Morse Avenue's "regulars," as the cops call them, was passed out on the curb. Drunk out of his mind, he'd apparently had slightly more than his usual daily regimen of hooch.
At taxpayers' expense, the useless lump was carted off to an American hospital where he got first class health care (shut up, Hillary) and a square meal. I saw him back on the street today, wearing the same yellow shirt and up to his usual goofy antics. Nice, huh?
Say, did you know we've been promised Streetscape this summer? You can clean up the things, Alderman Moore, but that won't clean up the street.
Week after week after year after year, we see and put up with aggressive beggars, drunken pigs and domestic altercations on Morse Avenue. Sure, some are in front of
Soo, but many are directly in front of - or even inside of - Sub Brothers. Other places, too, to be sure.
So what's the problem with Morse Avenue? It ain't
Soo Liquors. It's 60 years of bad social policy. The children and grandchildren of President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" and their spawn are the problem. Is it their fault? No, as pets of the Democrats they've had bad training by their masters.
In 2008, we are reaping the unintended consequences of the Democrats' funding of unwed mothers, paying people not to work, liberal judges who slap repeat offenders on their wrists, and politicians who encourage these policies by voting the wrong way on the wrong legislation.
Happy Fathers Day, Rogers Park. Too bad there aren't more fathers around here.