Audacity of the Wall: Rogers Park Screwed Again

Here's the deal: You lose, Rogers Park. The incompetent clowns at the Loyola Park Advisory Council (LPAC) and the callous jerks at the Loyola Park Advisory Council and Rogers Park Community Council (RPCC) don't care about quality workmanship.

Or about the artists who will paint the wall on June 14 and 15 at Loyola Park.

The inside scoop: Katy Hogan is the Queen of the Event. Last year, the wall was not properly cleaned in preparation for artists to paint on it. Artists are charged $30 and up for the privilege, and deserve a properly prepared wall on which to paint. But like year, this year's preparation was done half-assedly.

The Bench has learned that this year Mizz Hogan delegated the responsibility for cleaning the wall to one Terry Feingold, caterer to 49th Ward Democrats and chowder purveyor. Miss Hogan, part owner of the infamous Heartland Cafe, has apparently been too busy keeping partner Michael "Comrade" James in line.

Feingold couldn't manage the complicated job of getting old paint off of a wall. Perhaps he has been too busy with his Gold N Pear catering company, which has an English-only web site. In any case, the wall was only partially scraped and then sprayed white. Already, however, the wall is peeling and cracking - just like last year.

Shame on Katy Hogan. Shame on Terry Feingold. Shame on the Loyola Park Advisory Council (LPAC) and the Loyola Park Advisory Council and Rogers Park Community Council (RPCC). For more information call 773-262-8605. Let them know that you're pissed off and disgusted by their audacity.

Artists Up Against the Wall
I Hate to Say I Told You So...
Artists Screwed at the Wall Festival, Rogers Park
Artists of the Wall Screwed AGAIN

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