Your Chicago Idiot

Ah, fools. We must suffer fools. Here in Rogers Park, Chicago’s 49th Ward has a population of just over 60,000. Packed into a two-square mile area, it is difficult to avoid the approximately 10,000 village idiots that move amongst us.

One such village idiot is a coward who uses the make-believe name of “Your Chicago Friend” (YCF). Afraid to use his/her real name, this spineless jellyhead is a constant blog lurker, frequently leaving stupid comments. Generally, YCF is ignored by the local bloggers. But this string of comments by YCF is so entertainingly stupid that I thought you might be amused by it, too. YCF seems to be attacking The Bench for pointing out the stupidity of replacing low-tech trash cans in Chicago with hi-tech, electronic “Big Belly” compactors (see “Big Belly Chokes (Updated)”). The Big Bellys are made of a lot of plastic parts, so therefore depend more on petroleum products to be manufactured, unlike the all-metal traditional cans. Furthemore, the Big Belly has a bigger carbon footprint to manufacture, and will require ongoing maintenance. Big Belly’s V.P. Richard Kennelly wrote a response to The Bench, but avoided some of our objections and used the forum to propagandize for his company. I don’t fault him for that; it’s his job to sell Big Bellys. But what stake does YCF have in Big Belly? We cannot know, because YCF is afraid to reveal his/her true identity. YCF doesn’t care to address legitimate questions and objections about Big Belly. Rather, the cowardly YCF chooses to throw insults. (Note to YCF: That’s not a good debate tactic.) Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 09:46:20 -0500 From: "Your Chicago Friend" To: rogersparkbench Subject: Big Belly Burps Up Response Mr. Kennelly makes more sense than you do. While he simply and respectfully presents the facts, you continue to sputter nonsense. Your blog is taking on the characteristics of an AOL chat room. ********************************* THE BENCH RESPONSE: “Nonsense”? Why don’t you write an intelligent piece explaining why my post was “nonsense,” YCF? You simply call it that, but you do not support your statement. While I cited sources and stated facts, you belch out empty insults. YCF, you undoubtedly know what an AOL chat room is like since you seem the type who lurks in them. But I assure you, this is no chat room environment. I turned off the comments function to avoid a chat room environment. But, as your email comment and Mr. Kennelly’s email comment prove indisputably, comments are still accepted here via email. They are simply not accepted via the Blogger comments function. Furthermore, why don't you grow a spine and use your real name? ********************************* Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 09:45:13 -0500 From: "Your Chicago Friend" To: "Tom Mannis at The Bench" Subject: Re: Big Belly Burps Up Response That won't change the fact that his simple explanation makes more sense than your desperate attempt to create controversy. The big trash can conspiracy. It's a solar energized scandal! Kind of like an AOL chat room. Or a MySpace page. So, if you're going to declare yourself a "journalist" and profess to be a voice of our community, you will occasionally have to suck it up and be called out for what you obviously hope we are reading. You know, like a big-boy journalist. Perhaps that is why you turned off comments. ********************************* THE BENCH RESPONSE: Your stupidity, YCF, is mind numbing. What is your obsession with AOL chat rooms and MySpace about? Yipes. Again, your comments are not substantiated or supported, and all you seem capable of is empty insults with a dash of paranoia. Nowhere in either of my posts about Big Belly did I even hint at any kind of conspiracy, let alone your imagined “big trash can conspiracy.” As for my “desperate attempt to create controversy,” that was not my intent. Rather, I was simply pointing out this new product and raising questions about it. YOU have created more controversy via your idiotic responses. You go on to accuse me of “declaring” myself a journalist. Geez, I the fact that I engage in journalism kinda qualifies me for that label, doncha think? The editors of the Chicago Journal would call me a journalist if you ask them - they’ve paid me for my journalism. Chicago Magazine and The Chicago Tribune have both recognized The Bench as one of the best blogs in Chicago. Blogs are journals. Ergo, bloggers are journalists. Some good, some bad, but all journalists. Like it or not, there are millions of little Ben Franklins these days. Finally, I have never claimed to be a “voice for our community.” I’m just a guy who writes about what he sees and what he feels. It is your choice to read my blog or not to. The fact that I am publishing your idiotic comments shows that I can “suck it up and be called out for what you obviously hope we are reading.” Well, YOU are reading it, and regularly.

Now, reveal yourself, YCF. Like a big-boy adult who has the courage to stand behind his/her words. Chicken shit.