Ted Kennedy Almost Dead

UPDATED: Update: Kennedy Did Not Have a Stroke I would never wish bad health on the vile pig Ted Kennedy, but I gotta ask: Is he in a county hostpital somewhere, in a public health system similar to Cook County's hellish network of nightmares? No, he was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital for further examination. Mass Gen is owned by Partners HealthCare, a private non-profit. Comparison: Quality-wise, it would be like a Chicagoan going to Northwestern University Hospital or University of Chicago Hospital. No, Ted Kennedy opted for first-class, high quality health care. You know, the kind he and his Fellow Travelers would like to destroy with their Marxist health care dreams. BOSTON - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was hospitalized Saturday after becoming ill at his home, his office said. There was no immediate word on his condition. FULL STORY... There was no immediate comment from the family of Mary Jo Kopechne either, but rumor is that they are keeping their fingers crossed.