Public Works Update: Loyola Park

Kudos to the Chicago Park District for beginning repairs on the curbs along the beautiful rows of benches along Loyola Park's beachfront in Rogers Park. Better late than never, we say.

These benches are a favorite hangout of 49th Ward senior citizens and habitual drunkards alike.

For years, the curbs have been a hazard to negotiate, especially if you're a senior citizen or a habitual drunk. Habitually drunk senior citizens were in mortal danger every time they stepped onto or off of these curbs.

Meanwhile, along the same stretch of beachfront, the twice-failed Westgard Canal Zone and Lake have flooded over, imperiling thousands of local residents.

Recently, the canal was doubled; a second trench was dug out of the Chicago Park District soil in an effort to increase drainage capacity, but this failed as miserably as the first trench did nearly a year ago.