Private Westgard (Updated)

Tommy "Wee Wee" Westgard is hiding his blog from view. Why? Perhaps he get spanked by Joe Moore's Gang for this post on May 3:

"The Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at the 49th Ward Service Office, 7356 N. Greenview." That means the next one after today would be May 13, 2008, two Tuesdays from now. Bring your tinfoil hats and an agenda, if you can find one anywhere. (From a cached web page)

Is he licking his wounds? Is he plotting behind his green curtain? Is he in another spasm of deleting all previous posts on his blog? As of 6:14 p.m. on May 12, it remains a mystery.

Some of Wee Wee's recent posts:
Top 10 Reasons Obama Defeated Clinton
ZALUAC Meeting Tomorrow (the Drama Begins Again)
Horror Movie Filmed in Rogers Park
Major Ceasefire Study Released
Chicago River Cleanup Day
The Glenwood Bar
Rogers Park in Beaumont, Texas
Encyclopedia of Chicago