Obama's OTHER Racist Priest

After 20 years, Obama finally realized that the Reverend Jeremiah Wright was a raving lunatic racist. Perhaps now, after 20 years, Obama will realize that yet another priest who supports him is also a raving lunatic racist. Father Michael Pfleger, well-known self-loathing white man, said a bunch of crazy shit last Sunday (see video below) that forced Obama to make yet another disavowal of a supporter from the Religious Left. Pfleger was a guest speaker at Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and insinuated that Hillary Clinton is a racist and that all white people owe reparations to all black people. According to Fox News, "Catholic pastor Michael Pfleger, who is white, issued a formal apology for his sermon Thursday after Obama put out a statement saying he was 'deeply disappointed' by Pfleger’s remarks at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago." (Source) Didn't we just see this with Wright? Watch the hot video below, and note that the entire congregation gives Pfleger a standing ovation. So, will Barack Obama also state that he is "deeply disappointed" with that congregation - indeed, with the whole damned Trinity United Church of Christ?