Joe Moore's Vile Supporters

WARNING: There is vulgar language further down in this post. A loving, compassionate Joe Moore supporter wrote a childish, vulgar and fraudulent email to me today. Please let me share it with you. Curiously, it appeared to be from me. Upon opening it, however, I found that it was from somebody who used my name as part of a gmail (Google email) address. The writer is obviously not well educated. The grammar, spelling and punctuation are 7th grade level quality. The thinking is muddled. Of course, we cannot tell if that is caused by years of drug abuse, eating too much lead paint as a child, a brain injury, bad genetics, or having gone through the Chicago Public School system. Perhaps, sadly, the writer is mentally retarded. For example, the person wrote, "Even Craig and his blog have cleaned up it's act..." Hmmm. The writer made the common mistake of writing "it's" (short for "it is") when they should have written "its" (no apostrophe, which indicates possession). But even that would not have been correct because "Craig and his blog" is plural, so the writer should have said "their act." However, a blog is not a sentient entity, and so is incapable of cleaning up its act. I believe what the writer was attempting to say there was "Craig has cleaned up his act on his blog," or something to that effect. Perhaps the writer was addled by substance abuse. It seems to this lay person that the writer could be manic. The vulgarity of the fraudulent email address used by the sender speaks volumes. Hmmm, reminds me of a recent vulgar email about a local punk rocker's birthday celebration. Hmmm. Joe Moore, in addition to his lousy performance as an elected official, will have a legacy that includes a legion of vulgar morons who supported him. How proud Joe Moore must be to have people like this behind him. How proud the rest of Joe Moore's twisted supporters must be. Oh, before I forget, I wanted to let you know just how easy it was for me to report this email and all the spam I've been getting over the past week to the Internet Crime Complaint Center ("IC3"). The IC3 is "gives the victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations. For law enforcement and regulatory agencies at the federal, state, local, and international level, IC3 provides a central referral mechanism for complaints involving Internet related crimes." The Illinois Attorney General also has an easy to use site with complaint forms. Here, then, is the email described above: Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 04:04:24 -0500 From: "Tom Mannis" Subject: Greetings Greetings, I really don't love your blog..........well, maybe, I could, possibly like it a bit, well, if well.......we'll see, maybe you'll learn to give true and real facts (not biased lies), and educate yourself on the topics you are posting, Rodham, that still kills me, and a all the almost facts about Joe Moore, yup, the fact are almost true, and how could you let a band, a punk band get under your skin? That's hilarious, a band, throwing you into a little frenzy, I mean really, I do get the Joe Moore hatred from a lot of folks, but damn, you are truly nuts. Even Craig and his blog have cleaned up it's act a bit with more truth that crap. But you're nothing more than a wannabe, shock journalist, willing to victimize anyone who doesn't agree with your views, and that's just pitiful,and you are, pitiful and pathetic.