Environmental McCarthyism

The Climate Cabal, you might call it. (I do.) Al Gore and his crowd are profiting handsomely from the sale of carbon credits, and politically prospering by getting useful idiots everywhere to bow down to the Alter of Climate Change. Their goal: Control Over Every Aspect of Your Lives. “The largest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity,” warns Czech President Vaclav Klaus, “is no longer socialism. It is, instead, the ambitious, arrogant, unscrupulous ideology of environmentalism.” [Source] President Klaus knows repressive socialism first hand. He grew up under the iron fist of the communist Soviet Union. "Global warming," some call it. Now, because they know the evidence is not fully conclusive, and to avoid embarrassment, some call it the generic "climate change." Some scientists are even going as far as saying no, it's really "global cooling." Most of us skeptics, however, see it for what it is: The continuing fluctuation of Earth's climate. Has mankind contributed to it? Perhaps. How much have we contributed to it? Unknown. Credentialed scientists - many who are in no way connected or beholden to corporations - argue that the true scientific method demands continuing research, not a final pronouncement by politicians or scientists behold to government grants that no more scientific research is needed to definitively say that Global Whatever is absolutely caused by Evil Humans. The useful idiots who have bought into the Global Warming/Cooling/Change propaganda will, of course, attempt to discredit President Klaus. They'll use the same tactics they use on any of their foes. He's an idiot, they'll say, a fool. It is ironic that the Bush Haters embrace George Bush's recent "conversion" to the Church of Global Warming. Note to Bush Haters: If the Idiot Bush believes it, shouldn't you say to yourselves "Omigod, Bush believes it. I believe in something Bush now believes in, so the belief must be wrong?" If Klaus is such a fool, then Al Gore should happily accept Klaus's challenge to a debate. Don't hold your breath waiting for Gore to accept. A good editorial in the Wheeling News-Register addresses this: A sort of environmental McCarthyism is at work when global warming is debated. Those who dare to ask probing questions about alarmism over global warming are branded as either evil or simply too stupid to understand. There have been calls that climatologists who do not accept the global warming gospel according to Gore should be forced out of their field.But Czech President Vaclav Klaus, an economist with the stature to shoo away those who would condemn his stance, is demanding answers to some global warming questions. He asked them in a recent speech at the National Press Club in Washington. [Full Editorial...] RELATED: