Blagojevich Getting It Done! (Not!)

Eric Zorn's got a good one today, poking a knife in Illinois non-Governor Rob Blagojevich's slimy ribs: After Blagojevich cut funding to CeaseFire in August, 96 of the program's 130 conflict mediators lost their jobs, according to founder and director Dr. Gary Slutkin, a University of Illinois at Chicago epidemiologist. CeaseFire's analysis of police data suggests this has resulted in 170 additional shootings since September. FULL ARTICLE at Chicago Tribune... Note to Chicago's 49th Ward: You still have the sycophant David Fagus, Democrat Committeeman and stooge to Ald. Joe Moore, sucking up to the corrupt and inept Blago and to Todd Stroger. See Democratic Party - 49th Ward: Blagojevich Getting It Done! and Democratic Party - 49th Ward: Todd Stroger Turns It On! to see just how stupid your "leaders" are.