April, 2008: Barack Obama says small town, rural and small-town Americans are "bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
As Michael Goodwin put it, "In one sentence, Snob-ama de-legitimized every choice people in America are free to make.... Turn his screed around and it comes out this way: If the hicks had good jobs, they wouldn't need God or guns. Then the borders could be wide open for the enlightened world to come here 'cause our hate would vanish."
March, 2008: Wimp boy Obama bowls a 37 game. Oh man, that's so pitiful.
May 19, 2008: Obama tells the world that his wife Michelle is not to be criticized. In February, Mizz Obama said that "for the first time in my adult lifetime I'm really proud of this country." She's been catching criticism for that ever since, and undoubtedly will continue to be criticized.
Obama appeared on ABC's Good Morning America this morning and said, "The GOP -- should I be the nominee -- I think can say whatever they want to say about me, my track record." (What track record?!?) He said, "For them to try to distort or to play snippets of her remarks in ways that are unflattering to her I think is just low class."

1) Obama complained for weeks that racists, anti-American remarks made by his "spiritual mentor," Rev. Jeremiah Wright, were taken out of context. We all learned later that they were not, and finally even Obama had to admit it and denounce Wright.
2) Wife Michelle is actively campaigning for Barack, she's an adult, and therefore fair game for criticism. If Barack would prefer that she wear a burka and stay in the kitchen, well, that's an option. But while she's out there engaging, nobody should be surprised when some of the engagement includes criticism.
3) If Obama wants to talk about being "low class," could he explain to us why his circle of friends and confidants includes such high class scum as William Ayers and Tony Rezko?
May 11, 2008: How many states are there in the USA? Any sharp 4th grader knows tere are 50. Obama got it wrong.
"After a befuddled Sen. Barack Obama proclaimed he had visited '57 states' during a recent campaign stop in Oregon," writes Jennifer Harper, "nimble critics took him to task — wondering how could he accuse Sen. John McCain of "losing his bearings" when he himself overshot the nation by seven states."
Obama claims he was tired. I don't care how drunk or tired I get, I simply cannot forget how many states are in the USA.
December 2006: A sensitive Obama whined that his large ears were not to be discussed. He put writer Maureen Dowd "on notice" that he is sensitive about his big ears, that he was teased about them as a little boy, and he's still traumatized by that. (More about this...)
April, 2008: Obama finally admits that his crazy "spiritual mentor" Rev. Jeremiah Wright is disgusting. It took Obama 20 years to realize what a racist, anti-American nutjob this clown is. Quietly, Obama's sycophants erased any reference to Wright - a former consultant to the Obama Campaign - from their web site and literature. (Also see: Obama: Wright Is Wrong, Remarks 'Offend' Me)
May 4, 2007: A tornado badly damaged Greensburg, Kansas. The storm killed 11 people in that small town of 1,400. The total death toll from that storm for the entire state: 12.
Four days later, Barack Obama told an audience of 500 that 10,000 people had died. "In case you missed it," he said, "there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed." Apparently, Obama missed it. He blamed his math error on being tired from campaigning.
So, how tired is he now, a year later, and how tired will he be when he gets a call at 3:00 in the morning from a frantic general at the Penatagon?
I could go on and on, but I'm under deadline pressure for a local newspaper which, contrary to vile rumor, has not yet fired me.