Ten Senseless Murders

Good stuff here, showing how stupidly far animal lovers can go in their self induced insanity. Michael Greenwell notes: Germany’s celebrity polar bear Knut has triggered a new controversy by fishing out 10 live carp from his moat and killing them in front of visitors. Oh, the horror! A carnivore that kills other animals! You mean, polar bears are not just like the shitty Disney movies that have brainwashed millions of kids? Disney portrays killer animals as cute plush toys, so kids get a false impression. In reality, bears brutally kill other cute animals for food. Nothing wrong with that, it's Nature at work. It is the order of things. Don't believe it, city slicker? Watch the video below. Greenwell goes on: There is speculation that hand-reared Knut killed the carp just for fun. First of all, I don’t find it particularly shocking that a polar bear killed something, do you? I know I don't. It's what carnivores do. They kill. They eat what they kill. Duh. Greenwell himself goes in for the kill: Third, making the thing a celebrity means that once the public falls out of love with it it has alcohol addiction, the Betty Ford clinic and the inevitable comeback tour to come. But the story goes on… The Frankfurter Allgemeine news website reports that Knut “senselessly murdered the carp”, fishing them out, playing with them and then leaving the remains. Have the idiots at the Frankfurter Allgemeine never watched a cat play with a mouse or a moth? Cats, like bears and other carnivores, kill. The more intelligent carnivores, such as cats, bears, dogs, wolves, make sport of their kills. So, in that regard, they have something in common with humans, which are the most sporting of all carnivores. WARNING: THIS VIDEO SHOWS A CUTE POLAR BEAR KILLING A CUTE WALRUS. DO NOT WATCH IT IF YOU'RE A WEAK-KNEED LIBERAL.