Snoodles and Sausage

Tis I, Snoodles. Shut up and read this. (Don't make me come over there!)

A good time was had at Nick's On Wilson last night, in beautiful and exotic Uptown Chicago (1140 W. Wilson Avenue). Why? To get innebriated and updated on the latest development in the fight against Labor Ready. Cheers!

The stars were out and Snoodles had the pleasure of meeting nouveau blogger Butternut, a nice young man who wishes to remain anonymous. What the hell is it with anonymous bloggers in Uptown? (It's cuz they fear for their lives down there, that's what! The alderman's friends break legs, if you know what I mean.) Check out Butternut Connection, one of the newest blogs in the northeastern neighborhoods of Chicago.

Celebrity siting! Rogers Park's very own Dan Sullivan, owner of Charmer's Cafe, was seen chatting up Ruth Hoekwater, owner of Common Cup. Dan came in and had a cuppa with Ruth at her joint. They talked about stuff and things that I cannot reveal. I was sitting right next to Dan, and I didn't get his autograph!

Say, aren't you glad that the term "nabe," yuppie slang for "neighborhood," never caught on? I prefer "hood" myself. It's more manly, know what I'm sayin'? I know I do.

Hey, back to that thing at Nick's On Wilson! The Uptown Chicago Commission (UCC) had a little meeting to discuss recent legal developments regarding the battle with Labor Ready. Seems they have some good to spread, but I don't want to blow the story or deflate their secret weapon! Whoops! Have I said too much already? And why doesn't Rogers Park have a group as dedicated to selfless community work as the UCC? All we have is DevCorp North, a band of pirates who specialize in shining Alderman Moore's shoes.

Flash! Joe Moore is still the alderman of the 49th Ward, in spite of the fact that there are photographs of him and his monkeys cheating at the polls a year ago! Further proof that Justice really is blind! And deaf, and has no sense of smell.

Item! That pile of gravel on Morse Avenue is still there! For a year now! In front of Golden Mini Mart and right next to a CTA bus stop! Has-been, discredited 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore can't get his act together enough to have a lousy pile of gravel removed. Where is Civil Engineer Tom Westgard, doer of good deeds done dirt cheap?

Hey! Did you know that buying somebody else's handicapped parking permit and putting it in your car window is illegal? Well, it is! You better watch out! You're gonna get caught!

Michael James, SDS member for life and owner of the filthy Heartland Cafe, is still losing his hair! You'd think with all the money his wealthy mother gives him every year he could afford some Rogaine. And have you noticed - Katy Hogan's hair is getting a bit thin, too! Looks like all that "healthy" food they claim to serve at Heartland does nothing for scalp health! Why not?

Rumor! After the hazmat scandal of the the North Shore School demolition, Alderman Moore's girlfriend Bessie threatened to leave him if he didn't promise to run for Congress, so that they could "get the hell out this rat hole neighborhood." Remember, that's an authentic, actual rumor!