Public Enemies, Indeed

"Urbs in Perturbo" could be the new motto of the City of Chicago. Mayor Daley sold this city and its taxpayers out years ago. Time for a new motto, indeed. Check out the letter below from a pissed off citizen, sick of the sanctioned abuse by film crews that get special treatment from Daley, putting residents down to second-class status. Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity James R. Thompson Center 100 West Randolph Street Suite 3-400 Chicago IL 60601-3219 Attention: Lisa Banks, Production Coordinator, Illinois Film Office Dear Ms Banks, This is a letter of GROSS COMPLAINT regarding the filming of Universal Studios movie "Public Enemies" on the street of Newport just East of Clark Street here in Chicago. These HUGE Trucks have been kept idling for entire days making tremendous noise. Residents are not able to park for over a week in the street they live. Personnel from the film crew INTIMIDATE seniors and women who need to walk their dogs, saying they cannot walk them on the parkway's. Personnel from the film crew SWEAR at the residents (myself) for asking them to not lean on my personnel fence in front of my property. You have NO IDEA how disturbing it is for a neighborhood to be TOTALLY TAKEN OVER BY SOME FILM CREW WHO THINK THEY OWN THIS AREA. And just what does the neighborhood get for ALL THIS INCONVIENCE from either the city or the film studio. This has been going on since March 26 and no end in site. This has GOT TO STOP. Next on the agenda for this neighborhood is The State of Illinois buying with TAXPAYER DOLLARS Wrigley Field for the Cubs owner "Zell". And nothing can be done to the former restaurants on Clark Street with INCIDENTAL LIQUOR LICENSES now operating as BARS. CHICAGO AND THIS NEIGHBORHOOD ARE DOOMED. And I know you, Mayor Daley, and our alderman Tom Tunney DO NOT CARE, because YOU all live somewhere where this does not AFFECT YOU. Sincerely, (Name Withheld by Request) RELATED: Public Enemies starring Johnny Depp to hold extras casting ... Feb 14, 2008 ... Public Enemies starring Johnny Depp to hold extras casting call in Madison Michael Mann film getting ready for production in Chicago...