Blagojevich Getting It Done With Ali Ata

"Throw the bum out" seems to be the theme in Springfield these days... and around the state of Illinois. Arguably the most hated man in the Land of Lincoln, Governor Rod Blagojevich seems to be imploding. He's like a black hole. More bodies in his galaxy of slimy characters keep getting sucked into the vortex of his dark abyss. But when with the black hole stop spinning, and finally explode in a spectacular display of self destruction? The American Thinker blog offers this today: Illinois Democrat Governor Rod Blagojevich is facing impeachment talk from within his own party in the wake of the plea agreement of Rezko pal Ali Ata. (NOTE: If it's a bad thing to call Obama by his full name, "Barack Hussein Obama," because it's just so damned insensitive to use the muslim-sounding part of his name, then why is it okay to call Ali Ata "Ali Ata?" Shouldn't we call him by something less muslim-sounding? ~ The Bench) The American thinker quotes from the Chicago Sun-Times: The impeachment drumbeat at the Statehouse grew louder Wednesday, a day after the blockbuster accusation by a former state official that he got his state job after pouring money into Gov. Blagojevich's campaign fund -- including a $25,000 check in an envelope he presented to the governor. The American Thinker notes: The Ali Ata plea agreement also means that Governor Blagojevich may be getting closer to being indicted by US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. More at the American Thinker blog... Oh my. Will sycophants like David Fagus continue to be apologists for Blago?