The Audacity of Bowling

Jeeeeeeeee-zuz, the audacity of bowling! Which genius in the Obama campaign suggested this stunt? On a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, the Illinois State Senator paused to "play" a game of pins. His score: 37, a pitiful score indeed.

And so what? you ask? What's the big deal?

There are several big deals involved with this Embarrassment to Manhood. Most of us know that a perfect score in bowling is 300. A nearsighted man with average strength can score over 150 on a bad day at a bowling alley. I speak firsthand; my best game ever was 290 a few years ago. My worst game ever was 40-something, when I was something like 8 years old and throwing a cork-filled kiddie's ball.

My point: A young child can bowl better than the adult Barack Obama, and it is painfully obvious that Obama has never been a bowler. There is nothing wrong with that, of course, but for the love of all that is holy, did Barack Obama forget that he had never been a bowler?

Now, suppose YOU were running for President, but you did not know how to bowl. One of your aides says to you, "Hey, I got a great idea! Why don't you bowl for the national television cameras? You know, show 'em all that you can be Joe Sixpack, too."

Would you (a) tell the aide that you have never bowled and so that might not be a good idea because you bowl like a little girl, or (b) tell the aide that you have never bowled and embarrassing yourself on the nightly news seems like a really good idea? Which?

Barack, in his vain wisdom, chose option (b). Audaciously, he hoped like hell that he would look manly or cool or something other than a skinny, weakling doofus throwing gutter ball after gutter ball. Wow. My point: Was this a display of good judgment on Obama's part?

Perhaps - and here's the really scary part - perhaps Barack Obama now believes the messianic murmurs about him. Perhaps he, like many of his hypnotized zombie followers, now believes that he can walk on water, turn water into wine, and gutter ball after gutter ball into a 300 game. My point: Holy shit, don't vote for this nut case. Ralph Nader could have bowled a better game than 37. Hell, Hillary can bowl a better game. But then, she's more of a man than Barack is any day.

Obama's "Dainty" Bowling
Hillary Challenges Obama to Bowl-Off