Ted Kennedy's Big Pharma Phriends

Writer Timothy Carney sums up this hot article about Ted Hussein Kennedy: Ted Kennedy has inserted into a bill before the Senate a tweak in patent law that will benefit exactly one drug maker—while costing consumers hundreds of millions and taxpayers $19 million. My column this week describes the nearly unprecedented lobbying effort that drug maker has undertaken to get this one little change in the law—to make up for an embarrassing $1 billion mistake. Wow. Hot stuff. It's so hard to believe that a Democrat like Sen. Ted Kennedy might be so corrupt! WASHINGTON - Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a provision in the patent reform bill that would cost taxpayers an estimated $19 million and hospitals $2 billion, with all the benefit accruing to one pharmaceutical company. The narrowly tailored provision, first added to the bill by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., is the fruit of an impressive $4.6 million lobbying campaign featuring an all-star cast of former lawmakers and government officials from both parties. FULL ARTICLE at Examiner.com...

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