What is meant by the phrase "Suicide of the West?" Several items below this post touch on Western Civilization's march to self destruction. But to go directly to the phrase itself, "suicide of the west," The Bench offers these nuggets, each of which offers valuable background:
Imagine a Trotskyite turned conservative. It was a common post World War II phenomena in the United States. Once some of these thoughtful leftists took a hard and realistic look at the world, they began to see the folly of communism and statism. One of these found a place on the editorial staff of National Review. His name was James Burnham. MORE...The fall of the Roman Empire remains one of the great unsolved riddles of history. Rome rose from obscurity to dominate the ancient world until it became practically synonymous with civilization itself. Yet a few centuries later its terrified survivors, decimated by disease, famine, and infertility, eagerly laid their necks beneath the swords of barbarian conquerors. Why? CONTINUE...RECOMMENDED SITES:Gates of ViennaJihad WatchMemri Blog and Memri TVThe Religion of Peace
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