Morse Avenue Update: Soo Liquors, Omelettes

Where did Soo Liquors's hanging sign go? The notorious landmark has disappeared. Not the liquor store, which a hangout for hoodlums and drunks. Just the sign.

The Bench spoke to a manager at Soo Liquors this afternoon. He said, in broken English, that Alderman Joe Moore (Democrat, 49th Ward) "forced" him to take it down. A representative of DevCorp was in the alderman's office when Soo Liquors was told that their sign permit would not be renewed, and that they must replace it with an awning similar to those of nearby merchants.

Soo Liquors is still there. The problem was never the sign. It was the single 40-ounce cans of malt liquor and other inexpensive booze. One DevCorp representative opined that things would be much better if Soo Liquor "only sold fine wines." But even with the sign gone, the real problems continue, as the photo of the 40-ouncer discarded in the gutter directly in front of Soo Liquors demonstrates.

If you want to make an omelette, you need to break a few eggs. We've all heard this. But the ham handed people in the Alderman's office seem to think that throwing the eggs against the wall is a great way to start. It's not. It just gets egg all over everything, and nothing really gets accomplished.

If Alderman Moore and DevCorp think that window dressing - literally - is the solution to the problem of Soo Liquors, they are tragically mistaken. And here's a shocker: The problem is not really Soo Liquors. It's the shitheads that hang out there, loitering and drinking on the sidewalk. But the last time I checked, it is not the responsibility of the merchants (including Soo Liquors) to shoo away the loiterers. The police are well aware of the problem, and it is their job to stop and disperse. It is the alderman's job to make sure the police do this. A liquor store is not a bad thing per se. Circumstances such as location, adherence to age laws, and the maturity of the surrounding neighbors make all the difference.

Joe Moore and Company have spent 16 plus years encouraging a population that cannot handle its liquor, does not know how to behave civilly, and raises children who continue these traditions.

Meanwhile, expect a glowing email anytime now from Alderman Moore that brags about the removal of the evil sign. You may be tempted to laugh. Crying, however, would be more appropriate.

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