John McCain: Back Stabbing Wimp

The Los Angeles Times reports that,"A speaker introducing Republican presidential candidate John McCain at a rally here Tuesday ridiculed Democratic contender Barack Obama for his intention to meet with "world leaders who want to kill us" and pointedly referred to the Illinois senator as "Barack Hussein Obama." [Emphasis mine]

Talk show host Bill Cunningham
warmed up the crowd at a McCain rally in Cincinnati. He committed a horrible, horrible sin:

He called Barack Obama by his full name: Barack Hussein Obama.
O-mi-God. Pardon my French, folks, but this has become a Big Fucking Deal.

The main stream press, of course,
is playing up squishy McCain's apology like it was some magnanimous gesture, a brave and selfless act of civility. Bullshit.

Before I get into why it's bullshit, let me correct the record. The mainstream press - most of them - keep referring to Cunningham as a "local talk show host." Well, that's partly true. On Sunday nights, you see, he has a live coast-to-coast show that replaced Matt Drudge's show after Drudge retired from the airwaves a few months ago. In fact, Bill Cunningham is a national talk show host, with one of the largest audiences in the business, albeit once a week.

Back to the bullshit.
Fact: Barack Obama's middle really is Hussein. Fact. Hillary Clinton's middle name is Rodham. Nobody gets upset when she is called "Hillary Rodham Clinton." Why are people upset when somebody calls Barack - accurately - "Barack Hussein Obama?"

Everything Cunningham said was true,
including the fact that Obama's middle name is Hussein. But some in the Obama camp, and some Liberals in general, have got their underwear all in tight bunches because... because... well, because Cunningham had the nerve to reveal --- Barack's middle name! O-mi-God.

McCain wimped out big time. He crawled on his belly to the press, and declared in a virtually quivering tone, "Any offense that was inflicted I apologize for," he said, adding that he was outside the building when Cunningham spoke.

What a weak sister.
What a pitiful, spineless lump of shit McCain is. He is apologizing for something that should not be apologized for, and issuing it on behalf of the person who said it but without that person’s consent.

It gets worse:
“Whatever suggestion was made that was in any way disparaging to the integrity, character [or] honesty of either Sen. Obama or Sen. Clinton was wrong, and I condemn it."

He owes no apology
to Obama for another person using - o-mi-god - Obama’s real middle name. But why the hell did McCain decide to include Clinton in the apology?

What kind of character does McCain have in 2008?
This once brave man - far braver and tough than most, for certain - has turned into a frightened little puss. Imagine this guy as President of the United States. Imagine one of his top advisors or cabinet members speaks some hard truth, but certain lily livered members of society are offended by the hard truth. Will McCain bow to them, kiss their asses and apologize on behalf of the truth speaker? Will McCain put political correctness ahead of tough negotiation with our foreign enemies?

If this guy is willing to condemn a talk show host for speaking the truth,
which was merely the usage of Obama’s full name, how will he handle Senators and Congressmen of his own party speaking truth? How would he handle his own generals speaking truth?

As for those who were offended,
this wimpy woman says “she was ‘mortified’ by Cunningham's remarks. ‘I'm . . . Cincinnati-raised, and to go up and make it comedy . . . ‘ she said. ‘There were people around me . . . who were embarrassed, and some were even saying they wanted to get up and leave.’”

Wimpy voters supporting Wimpy McCain.
Good Lord. I suspect that if John McCain had known what he would become, and what kind of weak kneed gutless wimps would support him in this weak kneed, politically correct dilution of the United States of America, he would have begged the North Vietnamese to kill him.

The late, great William F. Buckley is surely looking down and weeping.

RELATED: On Flipping Him The Middle Name

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