
Why You Should Not CAIR

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) positions itself publicly as a sort of Muslim version of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL). But there are profound differences. For one thing, the ADL generally does not call law enforcement officers "crackers" and other racially charged names whenever a Jewish person is arrested. In the summer of 2007, a couple of Egyptian men were arrested when explosives were found in their car. CAIR immediately jumped into the fray, charging racial profiling before they even knew all of the facts. CAIR and their lockstep supporters assumed that the law enforcement officers were racist and proclaimed that the men were just carrying fireworks. This proved to be untrue, and CAIR - in a very rare move for CAIR - has backed down and admitted that they were wrong. Canada Free Press has an excellent report about this case: The Council on American-Islamic Relations has backed off on its defense of two Muslim college students caught driving near a sensitive U.S. Navy base with explosives and a how-to video on bomb making. Last August, when police in South Carolina arrested University of South Florida students Ahmed Mohamed and Youssef Megahed for possession of four pipe bombs and a homemade video on how to make detonators for improvised explosive devices, CAIR sprang to the students’ defense. FULL ARTICLE at CFP... RELATED:

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