Split in Moore-Fagus Axis?

Two high-profile political allies may not be allies for long. Word on the street is that Joe Moore and David Fagus are not on such good terms these days. You may recall that The Bench recently reported that Fagus, the 49th Ward Democrat Committeeman, and Moore, the Democrat 49th Ward Alderman, seemed tense and unhappy after the lackluster rally at the Loyola Park field house on January 12. The buzz: Fagus and his people are pissed that Moore is not giving him public support for his bid to be reelected as Democrat Committeeman in Ward 49. Moore has well over $100,000 in his political war chest, but Fagus has well under $20,000. These days, one full-color mailer can cost upwards of $10,000. Insiders wonder why Moore and the local Democrat Party have not shared some of that booty with Fagus, who has so faithfully supported Moore's political ambitions for so long. Two questions, then, come to mind: Why is Moore not giving financial support to the Fagus campaign? Secondly, why are there no Fagus campaign signs or literature? Perhaps a third question: Is this indicative of the disenchantment that the Democrats have with near-loser Joe Moore, and for Fagus, the man who nearly lost the April runoff election for Moore?

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