Sam Donaldson: Hard Wired

ABC's Sam Donaldson is hard wired to think that a black man cannot win in a predominantly white voter base. Like most of the mainstream media, he is a sycophant to the race baiters and purveyors of the Plantation Nation school of social "thought." Last night (January 5) Donaldson was on an ABC "Special Report" that presented itself as analyzing the Democrat non-debate with Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, BarackObama and Bill Richardson. Donaldson breathlessly "analyzed" each candidate in classic Donaldsonian adjectives: "statesmanlike," "conciliatory," and so on. Ugh. Where's the beef, Sam? It was all crap, ESPECIALLY THIS BIT OF IDIOCY: Donaldson pontificated on Barack Obama's chances of winning in upcoming primaries. In a stunningly stupid comment, Donaldson noted that "There's a very large African American population in South Carolina." Therefore, Donaldson theorized, Obama would have a very good chance of doing well. There's the hidden bias, the unconscious, hard wired belief by Sam Donaldson and other Liberals that a black guy just can't win in a primarily white state. Like Iowa, for example, which is something like 98 percent white. Like Iowa, for example, where Barack Obama just scored a stunning political victory. Like Iowa, for example, which is derisively referred to by Liberals such as Donaldson as "flyover country." In spite of this big piece of reality, many (not all, of course) Liberals just can't get beyond the false propaganda that the U.S. is a viciously racist nation. Meanwhile, Mayor Daley is urging Obama to continue to "play the under dog" role. Translation: Continue to appeal to the morons out there like Sam Donaldson, whose brains are so marinated in the Jesse Jackson-Al Sharpton Kool-Aid that the ability to see forest all around them has been completely leeched out.

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