The Non-Greening of Rogers Park

A loyal reader notes that Chicago's 49th Ward is not as green as some would have us believe.
In case you'd like to add to your best of column, you might also note that there are NO farmer's markets in RP and none slated for this winter either. And here we thought that Joe was big on all things green. Apparently this doesn't extend to food stuffs. Good foodstuffs that would be better for everyone in the community. Anon.
Dear Anon: Far be it for me to defend Joe Moore, but I know you to be libertarian in your outlook. Are you saying that we should depend on Uncle Joe to bring us our veggies? Now, now. Look, you know I love you dearly, Anon. But if we have no farmers market, there are plenty of grocers in the neighborhood that are happy to sell us fresh produce.

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