The wife of 49th Ward Democrat Committeeman David Fagus recently wrote that "A child with a mark from a belt has not been abused" and that "You can discipline your child however you like." My my. And Mrs. Fagus is also known as Officer Tanya Fagus, Chicago Police Department. Does hubby David agree with the Missus about whipping a child to the point of leaving a mark, and that a parent can discipline a child in any way they choose? Officer Tanya wrote this on her blog, "Tanya Talk." I suppose it should really be called "Tanya Writing" or something like that. She doesn't actually talk on her blog, you see. Here is the entire pro-child beating piece, reproduced below. And, of course, archived to my online Google library. (Red highlighting below is mine.) January 10, 2008 Discipline is Good - Hitting is Better! Proverbs 13:24 "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him" I hate to see parents being arrested for disciplining their children. There I said it! You can discipline your child however you like and you should respect the rights of other parents to do the same. Do not confuse discipline with abuse because they are two very different things. A child with a mark from a belt has not been abused and I dare say that whatever the child did to cause him to have to be hit will not happen again. How can it be abuse when the child has their own room with a television so many clothes there is no room for them and tennis shoes that cost more than my mortgage? I want that kind of abuse. Time out does not always work and you need to know how and when to take it up a notch and if that is what a parent has to do we should not tell them otherwise. We are not at home with that family so we don't know. We do not know the struggles the parents are having with the child, we do not know what the parents have tried or what they have gone through with their child. So stay out of it. We want it all. we want kids to manner able and respectful and we want to tell their parents how to make that happen and we never want to offer a hand. We are back seat parents. If no one ask for your advise keep it to your self! Please do not tell me how hitting kids causes them to be afraid. They Should Be! Children have no respect for adults and/or authority and they grow up to be adults who have no respect for authority. Thus a cycle has been created. You teach your kids to be afraid of fire, strangers, dogs, and who knows what else but to be afraid of your parents whom you should respect is a bad thing. WHAT! Perhaps the problem is that we have forgotten that you can not be a child's friend and their parent. If you do not know how to separate the two my advise is to chose being a parent in the long run its better your kids can always make friends they only have you as their parents. Being a parent is a serious job with lots of responsibilities. Treat it that way! If I have heard it once I have heard it a thousand times; We take a test to drive but we will let any idiot be a parent!!!!! (Let the backlash begin.)

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