How to Vote in February

The Bench humbly offers some advice for voting in the upcoming February 5, 2008 election, specifically for those interned in the 49th Ward of Chicago. The election will include candidates for offices from local to federal. But this is about the 49th Ward. Because it's a primary, you must vote your party's line. 49th Ward Democratic Committeeman - Your only candidate is David Fagus, but he's not your only choice. You can choose to skip this part of the ballot, to opt to not cast a vote for this vile imitation of a human being, this Blagojevich suck up, this Joe Moore toady. He'll win anyway, but let's give him an embarrassingly low vote. In other words, vote for the other candidates for other offices, but just don't cast a vote for Fagus. 49th Ward Republican Committeeman - This is a powerless office these days, so it really doesn't matter much. But please do NOT vote for incumbent Robert Shearer, a man so low key and so apathetic about the office he's held for years that he deserves to lose. Vote for anybody but Shearer. RELATED: A Fagus Endorsement Means Squat Nice one by the Craigster, who had the good taste to use my photo of W's dog.

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