A Holiday Long Ago by Sandy Goldman

A wonderful story, especially appropriate for the season we're in. "A Holiday Long Ago," by Rogers Park essayist Sandy Goldman, is a nice read for a cold December evening. He has lived in Rogers Park since 1958, and is considered by many to be the Godfather of Rogers Park bloggers. Thanks Sandy, and Happy New Year to you and yours. It was 1954 and he was a student at Lake Forest College and also a live-in counselor at Arden Shore School for Boys located in Lake Bluff, IL, about one mile north of the collage campus. It was a boarding school for boys who could not live at home, for various reasons. Two elderly women directed and ran the school. The chef was a retired mess sergeant from Ft. Sheridan and the athletic director was retired from nearby Great Lakes Naval Station. It was just after Christmas and everyone was gone from the school, except for two boys who had no one to go to. So he took them home to his family’s apartment in Chicago. Find out what happens....

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